And to be fair this was our first time covering Comic-Con as press, so we were greatly impressed by the size and scope of the event. Looking back I would have actually preferred to have arrived on Thursday and had more time to plan out what we would be doing. When one covers a large event like Cannes, Sundance or CE3 once than it is much easier to cover it again as press the second time. But we still managed to film over 7 hours covering other minority comic book artists and other general Comic-Con panels, booths, costumed dressed attendees and artists.

And we also covered events outside Comic-Con 2008 like an outside preview screening of Fringe and a special Comic-Con 2008 screening of Tropic Thunder. I just wore my Comic-Con 2008 Fringe t-shirt I got at the Comic-Con preview at a Pomona College Hip-Hop concert we were promoting. And many of the students told me that Fringe was their favorite show. When we left Comic-Con 2008 we were dead tired from the whole experience. And we look forward to coming back in 2009. Our MySpace link to has all the photos we took in 2008. And I should add that for almost every photo there is corresponding video footage. I wish we posted all seven hours of footage we covered at Comic-Con International 2008.

One must also understand that Comic-Con does not have any requirement of returning journalists to submit their past articles, photo galleries or video links. They asked for nothing from me as a journalist, so I was not overly worried about my chances of getting in again. So I sent a note to the Comic-Con press office inquiring on the status of my letter. I get an e-mail back from Comic-Con press not answering my question, but offering me a general, but valid ID and password to login to the Comic-Con 2009 media section on their Web site. But I knew just being able to login to the media section did not mean I was approved to cover Comic-Con 2009.

So I hit the press office again for clarification of my status. A few hours later I get an e-mail back from the Comic-Con publicist and says flat out that due to internal capacity issues” at this year at Comic-Con 2009 we would not be able to accommodate and a press pass again. It was kinda weird at Comic-Con 2008 seeing some of the world’s biggest game publishers like THQ, Konami and Xbox crammed into small booths on the far wall of the Comic-Con Exhibition Hall. There really is not enough space at the San Diego Convention Center for any type of real expansion of Comic-Con. When I was there last summer I heard some small talk among attendees about Comic-Con moving to Las Vegas. I seriously doubt that would ever happen. But now that E3 Expo is fully back the top video game brands might feel less of a need to be at Comic-Con like in the past.