The “D” in Disney Now Stands For Diversity:

What can be stated now with the release of The Princess and the Frog is that the “D” in Disney now stands for diversity. What misguided critics of Disney often fail to realize when they tick off the procession of multiracial Disney Princess films from Jasmine, Pochantas, Mulan and now Tiana; is that they forget that young Disney film fans most likely watch the Disney Channel. So there are millions of kids who regularly watch lots of multiracial cartoon characters featured on Disney’s The Proud Family, Gargoyles, American Dragon, The Emperor’s New School, Lilo & Stitch and Kim Possible. Or they see multiracial lead actors on That’s So Raven, Corey in the House, Jump In, The Cheetah Girls, Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior, Johnny Tsunami and High School Musical films. And The Lion King is one of Disney’s best multiracial films.

Of course, Walt Disney’s first African-American Princess is a special moment, but film critics should not isolate that moment and not consider it outside of the context of all the diverse animated characters that are being shown 24/7 on the Disney Channel and other Disney owned media networks. There were many little kids of every color at the NACCP preview screening of The Princess and the Frog and they were, excited and highly receptive at seeing Tiana on the screen. These kids at the screening were especially in awe by getting to meet Anika Noni Rose in person. Anika is the living embodiment of Princess Tiana and she was very proud to answer all the kids questions and even sing live for them. I wish the NACCP had filmed the preview’s Q&A session with Anika, Peter, Rob, Clements and Musker and posted it on Youtube or Facebook.

Even Walt Disney making an African-American Princess is a multi-billion dollar decision. But the most immediate and most positive social impact of having Disney making The
Princess and the Frog
is that an African-American Princess will be heavily promoted and marketed in almost every country around the world. Soon Princess Tiana will be seen greeting her new fans at Disneyland, Disney World, Disneyland Paris and soon in Disneyland’s new resort in Shanghai. The Princess Tiana doll is already a sold-out and “must-have” toy of the Christmas season–not just among Black girls–but all girls who want to add the latest Disney Princess to their collection. Anything Tiana will be bought as collector items. The global merchandising possibilities of Princess Tiana and the film’s characters are endless. I can easily see Princess Tiana joining the traveling cast of Disney On Ice. And I look forward to eventually seeing The Princess and the Frog Broadway Musical. Or maybe Ray the firefly will be turned into a giant balloon for the Thanksgiving Day Macy parade. There really is no limit to what a multi-billion media conglomerate like Walt Disney can do to make Princess Tiana a global merchandising brand of goodwill, prosperity and hope. As a Walt Disney screenwriter who wrote and created Max Keeble’s Big Move, I was very proud to sit again in the same El Capitan Theatre where I saw the premiere of my Disney movie. From the moment the film starts to the hearing the audience clapping wildly with approval among hearing Ne-Yo singing during the credits I knew I had witnessed a proud and powerful experience.

I am happily going to give The Princess and the Frog

[xrr rating=5/5]